Crazy cheap rental listings

Hi all,
I’m moving to Japan for the second time in August, although last time I was on a Work Visa and my housing was set up for me, whereas this time I’m going on my own with a WHV. It would just be used as a home base, but most of the time I intend on travelling and coming back monthly to pay bills and such, therefore I’m looking for the cheapest place possible and location isn’t a huge factor. I have a couple questions in this regard:

1. I’ve been looking at Gaijinpot rentals/Real Estate Japan and seeing absurdly cheap rentals for Â¥20,000/month or less (see link below for an example). Of course, the move-in fees and additional amount to break the two year lease are a fair bit higher than the actual rent itself, but it would still be peanuts compared to what I rent in Vancouver, BC lol. Question is, are these actually realistic? Is it just too good to be true and there’s some crazy drawback? Anyone have experience with these?

2. I’ve sent inquiries looking for more information on the process to both the aforementioned agencies, as well as Suumo but never heard back. I realize I’m still 3 months out, so I excluded that information in my recent outreach but still did not get a response. Has anyone had luck proactively looking for a place prior to arrival? Should I just give up on the remote search and just go to/contact an agency while actually in Japan?


Appreciate any info! 🙂

by rbedz

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