Hospitals that allow partner to stay with during the checkup?

Basically what the title says, my partner would like to stay with me during my periodic medical checkup. Does anyone have know any place that does? In other countries, they could stay with me during the checkup but in Japan they have been denied to stay together. What gives?

by fighterbay

  1. I got no idea of what hospitals allow this.

    My question is: why are you requesting this ?
    if it is due to language barrier, the medical checkup instructions are very simple or you can look up for one with basic english support.
    if it is due to some sort of handicap situation I am pretty sure they can accomodate to your needs.

  2. I’m guessing not allowing accompaniment unless disabled is a safety issue.

    Especially with romantic partners, there is the issue of one partner being in a controlling or abusive situation.

    Why does your partner want to be there during your examination?

    That’s what they will be questioning.

  3. In other countries? Usually the partner will wait in the lobby, if anything.

  4. I don’t speak Japanese so my wife has always been accompanying me during my annual medical checkup.

  5. Hospital or clinic?

    My husband was allowed to join me in talking to the doctor to determine if I needed surgery or not (at a small OBGYN clinic). He was very strictly not allowed with me at the hospital where I had my surgery though, for COVID prevention reasons

  6. This completely depends on the hospital. If there’s not a situation where the partner is there to interpret it makes no sense to have them there. Just not how the medical system here generally operates. Personally it’s kinda creepy and intrusive in my opinion.

  7. My son’s wife gave birth in Osaka. My son wasn’t allowed anywhere near the medical procedures and even after the baby was born, was only allowed to be present for a maximum of an hour a day.

  8. I’m very surprised to hear that’s not allowed here. Makes very little sense to me, especially if it’s just a checkup.

  9. There’s some hospital or clinic that allow the partner to go inside the room with the patient. We always go to Sanno Hospital in Akasaka.

  10. I can’t recommend a place but just wanna let you know that although I gave birth at a hospital that allowed only 15 minutes visitations, in the end my husband could support me during the whole birthing process in the delivery room and stay with me for a few hours after I gave birth(although they told us this wasn’t possible). So they say one thing but you might have a commodity different situation.

  11. A lot of the annual health check place I have been to over the years are very efficient. Everyone changes into the simply jammies and moves from starting to station.
    The recent five years it’s been a whole female only floor. I can’t imagine they’d let a male partner in to hold a clients hand for a few seconds during needles, when even all the medical staff are women. If your partner is same sex that might be easier.
    I’ve also had annual medical checks (paid for by the company) at my local neighborhood clinic. They would probably be more accommodating.
    Good luck to you. Sorry I have no specific recommendations.

  12. Partners are allowed if you explain it. I have anxiety issues and my partner always requested to stay besides. In all but one case, she was allowed without any fuss. Just ask nicely

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