Pitch accent in conjugated negatives

I thought that nakadaka verbs stay nakadaka even in their conjugated form, but here in the forms tab of the takoboto dictionary it seems that the causative negative changes to heiban accent. Is this correct? And if yes, why does it change just for certain conjugations?

by SiLeVoL

  1. Looks like it’s wrong, should be 食べさせられ↓ない. Will fix it, thanks. Let me know if you see anything else.

  2. ない doesn’t change the accent position in nonpast forms.

    * たべꜜる
    * たべꜜない
    * たべさせꜜる
    * たべさせꜜない
    * たべさせられꜜる
    * たべさせられꜜない
    * たべれꜜる
    * たべれꜜない
    * たべられꜜる
    * たべられꜜない

    Past forms:

    * たꜜべた
    * たべꜜなかった
    * たべさꜜせた
    * たべさせꜜなかった
    * たべさせらꜜれた
    * たべさせられꜜなかった
    * たべꜜれた
    * たべれꜜなかった
    * たべらꜜれた
    * たべられꜜなかった

  3. Based on what I’ve been able to find on other sources I’m pretty sure this is a mistake and the accent should fall directly before the ない. At the very least, neither of these sources indicate any sort of irregularity for the causative passive (though also: neither actually explicitly list its negative form) https://accent.u-biq.org, http://www.gavo.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ojad/. ojad’s sentence analyzer also puts an accent in 食べさせられない

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