Chances of Getting in As a Mongolian

I have recently heard about the JET program through international friends talking about it on a language app called HelloTalk.
I have always wanted to go abroad and experience different cultures since I was a child and I thought JET program is the perfect place to start my journey.

For some background.
I’m 22 years old and I have graduated from my University in July of 2023. I temporarily moved to Australia to pursue my Master Degree but after looking at the JET program, my mind has been swayed a bit.
I’m currently residing in Australia on Student Visa but I will go back to country in early December 2024. I have been learning English since I was 5 years old and always wanted to teach English to other people because that was my hobby and passion.

I want to apply for the 2025 JET program, but what kind of complications would arise from me staying in a different country when I apply for it.

A previous post on this forum talking about their chances of getting into the JET program as a Korean. Due to this post, I have also looked at the statistics and saw only 3 people in total from Mongolia were admitted into the JET program as CIR, Which I do no qualify nor want to work for at all.


by Deityless

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