What is the catch with TEFL Heaven? Do they actually give you a decent job just like that?

Hi! I am asking yhis here since I applied to their Japan program specifically.

They have a program where you study TEFL and then get placed in a school. They also have a program where they just introduce you to Japan and give you a job. The latter is what I am interested in since I already have my certificates.

Did anyone actually go through them?

I would like to know what the offer actually is like. I won’t pay 1500 USD for a job that offers Â¥200000 smack in the middle of Tokyo because I know I won’t even be able to live off of that, let alone make that money back. However, I would consider 250000 in any cheaper city.

They seem to have been around for some time, so I don’t suspect a scam, but I won’t pay upfront anything before I see a COE or a visa in my passport.

I have an interview with them on Monday, but I would like some pointers on what to be careful about.

Other comments on r/TEFL from years ago say that they did do what they promised in other countries, but nothing about Japan specifically, since it is way harder to secure a job in Japan for a non-native than it is in other countries.

I am not keen on actually paying for a program that does not offer much besides a guaranteed job and some support in the country, but maybe someone here knows more.


by Radusili

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