Japan’s Abandoned Homes Crisis: 1.58 Million Properties Left to Decay

**Empty House Rate Soars to 13.8% with Tokushima Leading at 21.24%**

According to the 2023 survey, Japan has a staggering 6.5 million homes, out of which nearly 900,000 are vacant, resulting in an empty house rate of 13.8%. These empty homes include secondary residences, rental properties, homes for sale, and long-term unoccupied houses. The largest category is rental properties, with 4.4 million empty units, followed by neglected homes at 3.85 million, secondary residences at 383,000, and homes for sale at 327,000.

**Tokushima Tops the List with Highest Vacancy Rate**

Among the prefectures, Tokushima has the highest vacancy rate at 21.24%, with one in every five homes empty. In contrast, Okinawa has the lowest rate at 9.3%, with 65,100 empty homes out of 699,800.

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by fujiwara___

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