Toyota admits to improper vehicle testing as quality scandal widens

Toyota admits to improper vehicle testing as quality scandal widens

by duke7ajm

  1. Why did the Toyota employee take a nap at the wheel? He was testing the dream car!

  2. You think after paying 100s of millions after that brake scandal that Toyota would do everything in its power to avoid paying more fines. But this is japan and the finest will probably be minimal.

  3. I wonder if this will be covered by impartial media source トヨタイマズ

  4. “the only thing that pulls its own weight around here is my damn truck”

    *meteorite hits truck*


  5. I have watched all the top brass give a well orchestrated bows. they always start from fake/bent setting 1, to disingenuous /dishonest setting 2, and then smoothly engage to setting 3 Duplicitous/ I am trained in this swindling orgy of Bowing.

    No heads should roll, no one lose sleep/job/ over it.

  6. Why is it if an average Taro does something like this he is fined, jailed, and told to apologize, and basically life ruined but companies do this and all they have to do is bow and keep their jobs. I am beginning to feel there’s a different set of rules for companies and CEOs vs. regular people

  7. I’ve been a long-time fan of Toyota.

    After their lobbying against fuel efficiency standards in Australia, I began to sour against Toyota. This is another nail in the coffin.

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