Ghost village and its abandoned school, Tochigi

After doing some research, I found out this school opened in 1873, which blew my mind. Abandoned in 1964.

by wandering_fab

  1. What causes a village to become completely abandoned but people leave their furniture behind

  2. Love the photos! I’ve been living in Japan for a few years and have traveled all over the country, but I’ve yet to really explore abandoned places. I’m a photographer and this has always been something that I’ve been wanting to do. I’ve lived in the countryside for a while and can drive. What’s your process for this stuff? Just research and just go with caution? Do you sometimes just stumble upon these places randomly?

  3. Beautiful place! I love how the nature have taken over, its really pretty

  4. Can you just wonder into deserted places like this and walk around with relative ease??

  5. I’m amazed at the lack of cobwebs. Are there not many spiders in Japan?

  6. Enjoying your photos, but do you worry ever people posting photos will encourage vandals to come and take things as they can see there may be some items of value in the places that were abandoned more suddenly? I doubt it, just curious.

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