Quick question for those that have made umeshu before!

Hi there! I have just finished putting together my first batch of umeshu. I bought two large jars (3.8L each) and used one for the first batch. As I was going to start the second batch using the second jar, I noticed that the jar leaked water when I tipped the jar on its lid. Is this going to be a significant issue or is this normal?

For additional context, the jar that I am using is this one: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CCXKRSZ2?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details

My concern is that if the seal is not tight enough, the umeshu will go bad during the process. Further details:

  1. I used 35% Takara Jun shochu, ume, and rock sugar
  2. I read that poking small, shallow holes in the ume helps, so I did that as well. Maybe I'm being a worrywart, but I am worried that poking holes in the ume (in conjunction with the seal issue noted above) may cause the umeshu to go bad.

Any comments / suggestions would be much appreciated. Thank you!!

by oshoguno

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