I was reprimanded for talking using my native language at work.

When I started working in this school 3 years ago, I was the only foreigner. I obviously had to speak only Japanese back then. A year later, another foreigner (from a different country) joined us. We would usually talk in English cause (1) I’m not exactly fluent in Japanese and (2) that’s the only chance for me to speak English so why not. No complaint whatsoever. Then recently, this person from my home country was hired. We didn’t know each other at first and was shocked to find out what we have in common. Just a week later, the manager talked to us and said to not use our mother tongue when in the school premises. Which surprised me honestly. What’s wrong with that? It’s not like we’d talk a lot during work hours. We’d only talk whenever necessary and of course during breaks. The manager said our coworkers were uncomfortable hearing us talk. Did they think we were gossiping about them? Cause we didn’t.. yet. Idk, it just feels strange to talk in Japanese to her when we can use our own. It doesn’t make sense.

Now what baffles me is this: what’s the difference between me speaking English to my other coworker and to this other fellow who happens to be from the same country as mine? I didn’t bother asking them why cause they’re so good at gaslighting people I just don’t waste my time anymore. Has anyone been in a similar situation?

by starrryskiesss

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