Nagoya➡️ Fuji-Q

Planning a summer family trip to Japan with the family and this is how the itinerary looks so far:
-Osaka (2 days)
-Kioto (2 days)
Now the doubt comes
I was thinking about going to Nagoya mainly for the Unagi and Ghilbi park but after Nagoya do you have any recommendations on where to go?
My brother wants to go to FujiQ so I was thinking how to get there from nagoya but the more I search the more confused i got lol.
I thought about Shizuoka? Atami? Hakone? 🥲
(Going to Tokio as the last spot)
Also I’ve already went to Osaka, Kioto, nikko, Kameoka and Tokio before.

by Imnotintj

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