♔The 2020 – 2022 Placement Megathread Merger♔ – Pt.2: The Placements of Phandelver


**We have someone doing a Q&A on living in Japan starting out as an ALT. You can find his twitch here:**


He had finished doing the Q&A for today, but will be doing it again on **8am-10am JST Sunday next week (12th) / 4pm PST (11th) / 7pm EST (11th) / 12am BST (12am).** Please be sure to prepare any questions you may have beforehand!

*Ahem*… Now onto the main program!!

♔ Welcome, to the second part of the marvelous placement results thread! Guess we had some good news after all (so far) about people departing in 2020, 2021 and now 2022, thus continuing the revival and ongoing resuscitation of the mega thread series! ♔

How’s it going? Hope you’re all doing ok?

Congratulations to all who have received their results thus far.

…And here we are once again! 2 years of COVID, with even more going on across the world. Hope you’re all safe and happy wherever you are on the planet!

**As always:** If you have any suggestions at all for a new title, feel free to share and it might just be the next megathread title!

Come down and vent the excitement of their next adventure! This post will be for both ED and also for general departure candidates to share on their news and connect with other ALTs about their placement results 🙂

Missed the last few episodes? You’re just a click away to watching the rerun of the previous posts!

1. [♔The 2020 – 2022 Placement Megathread Merger♔ – Pt.1: The Deck of Many Placements](https://old.reddit.com/r/JETProgramme/comments/um9zb6/the_2020_2022_placement_megathread_merger_pt1_the/)

There is a 200 comment limit before reddit starts to hide comments, and the mod team will do their best to open up a new thread as this happens.


Keep all results in this thread. All other threads will be removed. This includes asking for more specific information about your prefecture/city/school, when you will find out more specific information (especially in relation to the pandemic), so on. If you made a new post and it was deleted, try again by commenting here!

We understand you may: want to commiserate about not getting your Top 3; be confused about having no idea where your placement is; or rejoice in having gotten your first pick. You may even want to talk about how COVID-19 is currently affecting the application process per country/state etc. Whatever the case… please keep griefing to a minimum, and try as best as you can to focus on the positives. This is a good chance to search through this mega thread and find others in a similar boat. Talk to each other, but for the love of God, **don’t spread misinformation if you don’t know something**.

We highly recommend you join your local AJET chapter’s Facebook page. These people are going to be your neighbors and your support over the next year or longer. Go make some friends and get the local information that Google can’t provide. Here is the [Master list of JET Facebook Groups](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KQHNCLI7RiSAWorG_ahzbIVrNuiYc0J8l6HcgJoIzL0/pub) which should be your primary source of local information (Current JETs, please let me know if there are new groups that need to be added). Here’s the [2020 Incoming JET Group on Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/686447995159911/?ref=share)!
If you’re more of a discord person, pop down [here](https://discord.gg/AQFz3PEVEY) to say hello! I’ll also be inserting the 2021 Incoming JET Facebook Group link soon too!



**☼ Where/What/HUH? exactly is my placement?? ☼**

Japanese has a bunch of suffixes that they add to the end of names to tell you what they mean. In the case of placements that have ~ken, ~ken (eg. Shiga-ken, Ishikawa-ken), it means that you are a JET who will be employed by the Prefecture(likely High School). This means that your final placement likely hasn’t been decided yet but you know the Prefecture that you will be going to.

Here is a list of most of the suffixes you might run into and what they SHOULD mean (sometimes they use historic suffixes for places).

| Suffix | Kanji | What it means |
-ken | 県 | for a prefecture; Hiroshima-ken, Iwate-ken, so on. If this is the most specific info you have, it is likely a SHS placement, and it may take some time before you know the exact city you will be in.
-to| 都, lit. “capital”| prefecture-level region name unique to the capital Tōkyō-to
-fu| 府| prefecture-level region (sometimes translated “urban prefecture”) named so for historical reasons. There are now only two: Ōsaka-fu and Kyōto-fu.
-dō | 道| modern administrative region of Japan (one “circuit”). Hokkaido is the only example that I know of that has this prefix.
-gun| 郡| a district/county, usually rural
-shi| 市| a city +
-ku| 区| a ward of a city
-machi or -chō| 町| a town – this can be a local government or a non-governmental division of a larger city
-mura or -son| 村| a village; e.g., Kamikuishiki-mura – this can also be a local government or a nongovernmental division of a larger city or town
-Gakuen or -Gakkou| 学園 or 学校| This is a school placement. **This is literally a school name. Please be mindful of privacy concerns by not posting it here.**

+Population must generally be over 50,000 to be named a city, but a city does not lose “city” status if the population drops below 50k. This should not be used as an indicator of relative “inaka-ness”

**♠ My placement has the school name in it. Why is this different? ♠**

Usually when you get a placement with a school name in it, it means that your contract will be with a private school. The majority of private school placements are in Tokyo, but there are going to be some outside of Tokyo. However, it is possible to have a private school placement without the school name being given to you immediately. Worry not, for either your successor/supervisor or someone else will eventually let you know where you are going.

**♣ I don’t like my placement. Can I change it? ♣**

Unfortunately, the nature of the programme doesn’t allow for people to change placements once they have been assigned. If your placement is a deal breaker, the only way to change it is to back out of the programme and face the consequences. This means you cannot apply next year, and for UK JETs it means being blacklisted from the programme. There is consideration for extenuating circumstances if you do back out due to something that may be out of your control, please contact your consulate.

Transfers are typically only granted if you require special medical care, are getting married, or wish to continue on JET although your current placement is being eliminated. Transfer paperwork begins in November for July/August transfers. On the whole, transfers are exceedingly rare; there have been cases of married couples being denied a transfer because it ultimately is up to the contracting organizations to approve.

**♦ I wanted a city placement and I got a rural placement/tiny island 10 hours from anyone else placement. Should I still go? ♦**

In the wise words of [Life After the BOE](http://www.lifeaftertheboe.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/2011-05-24_LAB055_MiddleOfNowhere.jpg)…

**♫ My consulate has already sent out the placements and I haven’t seen anything yet. What gives? ♫**

It can take time before you’re actually placed, so please be patient. You might get a message next week, you might not know for another 2 months (or later given the current pandemic). Contact your consulate and please be courteous with them; they are trying very hard to get all of their ducks in a row, too. The waiting is hard, but it’ll come at some point!

**♪ What should I do now that I know my placement? ♪**

Master your Google Fu skills. Check out Wikipedia and relevant Facebook groups, try to get familiar with where you’re off to. Don’t forget to eat the food you like and see all the friends/family in the meantime, calling via social media (if they don’t live at home, practice appropriate social distancing while keeping in contact!). Most importantly, stay safe, keep informed, and practice safe hygiene procedures as best as possible.

**❤ Can I contact my predecessor? ❤**

Some positions have rules as to when the pred can officially contact their successor. Trust, everyone is eager to get in touch with everyone else, but also be respectful of the red tape. Maybe you’ll be in touch with “someone” from your prefecture/city with unofficial advice before you get the bonafide email. But its possible that you won’t either, and that you could be the first in your area! But ESID, right?

**❄ Regarding COVID-19 and results / delays ❄**

As all of you already are (painfully) aware of, COVID-19 has brought a lot of unprecedented changes in almost every area possible. As far as the moderators are aware of, for general applications going through, there are currently delays in the Tokyo office regarding acceptances/placements at this time.

We are unsure so far what further changes will bring for prospective candidates of the JET Programme, but as we receive further information regarding JET and CLAIR, we will put links below this section of text to keep everybody informed and up to date. I would greatly appreciate otherwise that COVID-19 discussions stick to the [other megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/JETProgramme/comments/falckq/megathread_covid19_school_closures_discussion_and/). Thanks in advance, take care and do whats best for you!

  1. I got Tokushima Ken, prefectural JET! Does this mean I have a good chance of needing a car? Does anyone know how much average rent is there?

  2. Australian JET heading to Akita-shi, Akita prefecture! Super happy to be placed there! I’ve never really heard much about Akita so am super eager to find out all about the area!

  3. If anyone is going to Osaka, especially Minoh-shi feel free to message me 🙂 Would be great to get to know some people!

  4. UK JET here. Finally got my placement. I’m going to Mine-shi in Yamaguchi!!

  5. UK JET headed for Kobe-shi! my first choice too, i’m so so so happy ❤️ any Kobe discord/chats???

  6. UK JET placed in Ishikawa-ken, Hakusan-shi! 😄 If anyone knows any Ishikawa chats please let me know!

  7. UK JET alternate convert here ! Going to Shizuoka-Ken! I’m not on FB unfortunately, is there like a discord group for Shizuoka ?

  8. UK JET going to Niigata (prefectural)😊 Feel free to contact me if you are also going to Niigata or are already in Niigata !

  9. Anyone else going to Nagano-Ken? Is there a discord or Facebook Page?

  10. UK JET heading to Hyogo-ken! Thinks there’s quite a few of us heading that way..looking forward to meeting you all soon 😀 hope we get specific placement info soon too!

  11. I’m from the UK and have been placed in Kyoto-fu, specifically Kyotanabe-shi. If anyone knows anything about the city or to do with Kyoto prefecture then I’d appreciate it!

  12. Got an island placement with very few people living there, honestly disheartened and might consider dropping out.

  13. Scottish JET moving to Minoh – Osaka! Couldn’t be happier with the placement. Any groups/discords with info on Osaka or Minoh specifically? Looking forward to meeting you all ✌🏻

  14. Anyone know a line group or a discord etc for Ishikawa JETs? Just got my placement ☺️

  15. Hi! I’m a US JET moving to Fukuoka-ken! It would be great if I could connect with those already in the area or heading there as well 🙂

  16. Just to clarify, if the placement didn’t end with -ken, it’s municipal?

  17. Super late to add to the conversation, but I am one of two UK JETs who will be in Nagasaki-shi as of this year! 😄

  18. I got placed in Yamaguchi-ken! Would love to know if there’s a LINE group for those in the same prefecture 💕

  19. I’m an incoming Filipino JET ALT. We just got our placement email today. I’ll be going to Tokyo-to! ❤️🤍

  20. Long-time lurker here – UK JET heading to Yamaguchi-ken! Keen to get in touch with anyone else in the same boat.

  21. Just got my placement! Urakawa-Cho, Hokkaido. If anyone’s placed around there I’d love to connect!

  22. Canadian JET headed to Wakayama-ken! would love to know if there are any Wakayama group chats out there(:

  23. Canadian Jet going to Tochigi. I haven’t seen any posts about this prefecture yet. Does anyone know of a group chat?

  24. Singaporean JET going to Nagano-ken! Please let me know if there are any group chats! Would love to join and get to know everyone 🙂

  25. Finally got my placement, Kobe-shi! Would love to connect to other people that is/will be in this area!

  26. Hi! A UK JET who’s going to Gifu-ken. I haven’t seen anyone else saying they’re going there yet…!

  27. Hey so exciting to see the placement megathread alive again!!

    If any of you Tokyo folks are heading to Machida let me know! I just found out today that I’ll be getting a co-jet but that’s all the info I have hahaha.

    Good luck on getting your placements everyone!!!!

  28. Has any Prefectural Jets heard from their BOE or CO about specific placements yet?

  29. Reposting my prev comment because I think it’s been buried by now!

    I’m currently searching for my replacement! If you’re a private Tokyo JET for an all-girls school please reply/DM 🙂 I’ve had a few people reach out but unfortunately none of them were for my school haha

  30. I’m an incoming JET going to Takamatsu in Kagawa. I’m trying to look up information and I’m nervous… I can see it looks like a small city and there are public transportation options but can I get around without a car in the city? I’m sure I’ll get over it if I have to but the idea of driving in Japan is just stressing me out lol.

  31. US JET here placed in Wadomari-cho, Kagoshima-ken. Anyone familiar with the area?

  32. For any new jets to Fukuoka area or kitakyushu specifically, I would love to chat and get to know you. If you join the fb group for Fukuoka please feel free to find me (samantha) or pplease feel free to message here (but I’m way slower to this)

    Congrats on the placements

    *Hope this post is ok

  33. I’m transferring from a city BoE to a Prefectural BoE. I got my transfer placement news from the principal at my base school last week but I’ve yet to hear anything from the Prefectural BoE (Niigata). Anyone else still waiting to hear from their BoE?

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