Hi everyone! Long time lurker, first time poster here. I'm posting here cause of my friend.
I've travelled to Japan several times before and I've been hounding him to travel with me to experience what his possible life might be there. Long story short, he fell in love with Japan and has already started moving things around in preparation for a move there. He is financially stable, disciplined, well educated and is a work HARD, play hard kind of guy. I'm more than confident that he will be able to speak Japanese, with enough exposure, and looking for a job in his field is in demand in Japan.
With that in mind, he does have a health condition. He needs to have monthly to quarterly check ups and almost quarterly blood transfusions because of his thalassemia. He is not weak or fragile in any way but we do want him to stay around for a long time.
My question or concern is that given his medical needs, would he be able to continue treatment, or, possibly even get better treatment in Japan? I tried a google search and all I could find were researches and findings. I'm looking more into what's available for his care there. Any advice, thoughts, or hints that could point me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
Thank in advance. Hope you guys can provide further insight about this.
by Necessary_Doctor5748