Hello everyone! I'm currently on an International Services work visa here in Japan and I'm considering starting selling my work on Etsy. I've been trying to find information online about whether or not I'm allowed to open an Etsy store under this work visa but no success. I don't want to do something that would risk me to lose my visa or even worse, get banned from Japan lol. Does anyone know if it's possible?
I'm from France and if it's not possible, I was considering choosing France as my shop location on Etsy but is it even allowed? What if I locate my shop there and pay my taxes for my passive income made from Etsy to France?
I'd appreciate some feedback and information from people who have an Etsy shop here in Japan or who have any relevant information
Thank you!
by m_blll
I have a very old Etsy shop (2011) that was grandfathered in to be able to be located in Japan. Etsy changed their tax policies several times, so to be honest, I’m not 100% sure if they even allow Japan as a location for new shops. Your best bet is to read through all the Esty shop setup shop info, especially around country.
In any case, the fees made it a bit difficult to really make any sort of money. The handful of other Japanese sellers I know have all moved to Yahoo or Minne.
I wish I could be more helpful. Good luck.
In principle you need to obtain permission to engage in other activities, but it will only triggrer for tax purposes if you are earning more than 200k per year or so, below that its most likely noone will care. And you can create it from Japan.
if you want to be safe, just apply for the permission and create a kojin jigyo, both are pretty easy to do