Can we talk about Mercari Buyers ?

So I was selling this charging station that was labeled as junk. I clearly outlined the exact problems with the item as how it is junk and does not function as intended.

Someone bought it for the agreed upon price. I ship it within the same hour, and it arrives the next day. I go to give the sale a rating thinking everything is good and I receive a frowny face rating with the comment 使用できない商品です。

So now I'm sitting here dumbfounded because I know I clearly outlined this in the product description and wrote the word Junk in the title in Japanese. Long story short, avoid selling junk here, even when you've clearly communicated that it is junk. Because they will find a way to give you that frowny face rating. Now I'm here at 4.5 stars 😐.

by Adventurous_Coffee

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