Labor Economics

Bachelors of Economics here, looking at options abroad. I have read previous posts on getting a masters in Japan, as well as the economics posts. Here are my questions:

*I just started learning Japanese so I am looking at English lead classes*

1. For starters… Is this correct: Apply for MEXT -> Select university (or have them -Japanese embassy- select it) -> Select advisor/researcher from that university -> Apply/take exam to get into that university -> and all the other visa/moving/housing details

2. I have looked up some academic sources of Labor Economics in Japan and thankfully I do see some results for it, whether it be published here in the US from Japanese researchers or published in Japan from Japanese researchers. Since I have an idea of what deeper field of economics I want go into, my main question would be…. how is Labor Economics in Japan in general and for people abroad?

3. Since I have read the other posts, I am fully aware of “just get your masters in the US” or “you need to know the language” or “why would they hire you without experience.” If you have the type of research in mind that you want to do that would directly involve researching topics related to the country, is this still not valued due to the lack of language or competition (edit: or experience)?

Edit: Another fair argument could be: why would they value someone who knows how the US system works but hasn’t lived in Japan to know how their economic system works? (Regardless of future research or not)

Some final comments: I am still deciding on the path I want to take so this isn’t necessarily something that I am forcing through to get into the country, however, it has been on mind mostly because I’d like to do some research on a different country outside of the US with Japan being the one I’m most interested in.

Feel free to ask questions or criticize me on anything as I am sure I missed some important things! I obviously won’t let Reddit be the deciding factor on what I ultimately do in life, however, it is nice to hear some opinions from those who have gone through the same thing or have more knowledge than me. Thank you!

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