extreme hair shedding HELP*

I'm 30F, 1,55 cm, 53 kg. I live in Japan and I have been suffering from hair loss for many years and never had an answer for it. I don't believe it's genetic because for the time that my hair has been falling out like crazy, I was supposed to be bald or with bald spots already. So I assume they still grow, but they keep falling(?) I don't know. everywhere I go there is hair. If I sit somewhere, there are hairs everywhere, in my shirt, in the floor. When I wake up there is hair on my pillow, when I comb it it falls into clumps and in the shower too. the bottom is so thin now. This is why I believe they keep growing but keep falling. I believe that if it were genetic, my scalp would already be showing and would be thinner like the bottom? I have strands of all sizes, my hair is all broken and the texture is as thin as baby hair. I don't use a flat iron or a hair curler, and I haven't even used a hairdryer for years. I don't dye my hair either. I had a blood test 1 month ago and these were the results, the doctor simply said that everything is normal and none of these numbers could be causing my hair loss. I left there so frustrated because I really thought I would find an answer. I have been taking 2,400IU of vitamin D on my own for 8 months now and biotin but only 1000mcg because I heard it can cause bad acne and mess with thyroid tests, but it keeps falling like crazy and I don't know what to do anymore. I'm losing more than 350 hairs a day. all the hairs I see they have that white tip.

my results:

ferritin – 57.4 ng/ml

TIBC – 251

UIBC – 135

serum iron – 116

saturation – 46

TSH – 1.36 mIU/L

Free t3 – 4.32

Free t4 – 1.28

25OHVD – 31.3 ng/ml

Zinc – 101 ug/dl

B12 – 416

by Nah_y

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