Avoid Code Chrysalis (UPDATE – they’re threatening to sue me)

A few hours after posting [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/japanlife/comments/x2t93n/avoid_code_chrysalis/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf), I received this message from /u/CC_6870 asking me to take down the post on threat of legal action.

Unfortunately for them, I moved back to Canada recently and welcome any legal challenges.

Some of you have posted about your personal experiences with Code Chrysalis. Regardless of if they are negative or positive, companies in Japan can and do sue people for posting about them online. Be careful, friends.

> Hello good friend,
> We at Code Chrysalis are very surprised at your friend’s experience! We would like to make it right so please have her contact us and mention that her friend posted a very public reddit account and we will make sure she comes out satisfied! It is all a misunderstanding of our methods and the wrong expectations. In return, we would like you to delete this post and write a retraction, explaining that you misunderstood what your friend was saying and she did not want you to share it publicly and that the people at Code Chrysalis were able to make things right.
> If you do not write this retraction then we will have no choice but to look into legal options. We will find out who you and your friend are and sue you for libel. We hope that it does not come to that and that everyone will be happy!
> Best regards,
> Code Chrysalis

**Edit:** **lots of DMs telling me I’m wrong and I should remove this post immediately and that it was a fake account that sent me that DM.**

**On the other hand, lots of people telling me this is exactly the kind of behavior they would expect from CC.**

**Anyway – I’m going to refrain from making my own judgements as much as possible. The point of my post is to warn you guys to be careful, do your own research and always remember, the loudest voice is not necessarily the most correct**

  1. *eats popcorn*

    >For people already living in Japan – if you do not reside in Japan you are welcome to read, but do not post or you will be removed.

  2. AFAIK libel can not be be objectively true.

    i.e. an online review like “this restaurant sucks donkey balls” or “the manager is an idiot” could potentially open a case for libel.

    But a review that says, “food came out cold and 30 minutes late” wouldn’t be libel if that in fact did happen.

  3. Any company promising 5/6 million a year for a couple weeks of coding bootcamp is a scam lol

  4. I just like the “write a retraction saying you misunderstood your friends words and she didn’t want you to share it publicly… and the company was able to make things right!” Sentence before anything has actually been made right lololol.

    Also the threatening language of the last line isn’t professional at all lmao. It just reads like an edgy teen angry text.

    Edit: ahh nevermind I’m banned from r/Japan. Not Japan life

  5. Are they also threatening your friend for telling you about their bad experience despite your friend not having made any public comment about it? Isn’t that extortion?

  6. How could you know that this message is legitimate and not just somebody impersonating them? This is a fresh account with no context, so it could just be a troll.

    It doesn’t invalidate your first post, but let’s maybe not jump to conclusions based on a random private message.

  7. Yeah, that’s why I do all my reviews from a burner account with no way to trace back to me because of companies like this

  8. See, this is legitimate insane behavior. It’s like the tech version of Dr. Hamburgers.

    Fun fact: People are allowed to post negative, neutral, critical etc. reviews of businesses online. Your original post was not libelous in nature by any means.

  9. Dude this is some random burner account. the real CC people are on reddit already.

    A letter like this would come from their counsel not “Code Crysalis” from a burner reddit account made yesterday

  10. Imagine having such low faith in your own product you have to try to control what others say about you on the internet.

  11. Basically confirming the bad rep. I always wonder why companies always get out the hammer right away. Straight to demanding a retraction and threatening legal action. People remember shit like that.

    Why not just make a public comment underneath the original post? “Hey sorry your friend had a bad experience. That’s not what we stand for. Please have your friend contact us at xyz and we will try to rectify the situation” Scandal over.

  12. In Japan, you can be sued for libel even if the statement is 100% true. All they have to do is claim damage (be it physical, financial, emotion, whatever). And recently there have been movements to include online post. Soon it will be illegal to give businesses bad reviews or say anything negative about anyone online if it’s clear who or what you are implying.

    I don’t know if the message that account sent you is real, but I thought it would be helpful to know what can or can’t happen.

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