Home Japan Why do Japanese people say “理系と文系を区別するのは日本だけ”?JJapanWhy do Japanese people say “理系と文系を区別するのは日本だけ”?June 23, 2024No comments It's not true right?by EOFFJM Tags:JapanLeave a ReplyYou must be logged in to post a comment.
JJapanAs the value of yen is plunging, does any of you start to think of living in other nations?September 15, 20223 comments Still it’s very modest inflation in Japan but Boj is expecting cost push inflation to continue. https://www.reddit.com/r/japan/comments/xehzeh/as_the_value_of_yen_is_plunging_does_any_of_you/
JJapanAnimal Rights QuestionJune 8, 20234 comments I was at Costco in Fukuoka over the weekend. After I parked my car and got out I…
JJapanEIKEN application errorNovember 4, 2023No comments I signed my daughter up for the Eiken test but I realised that, for foreign names it has…