Resident tax after moving wards and rectifying tax declaration

Hello all! This year was my first time filing taxes in Japan, and I did it just a few days before the deadline… I wasn't sure if I needed to declare foreign income, so I went to the tax office a week after the deadline to review the situation. They said I didn't have to declare it as I was a "Non-residents for tax purposes" in my situation. Around the same time, I moved to a new ward, so I wasn't a resident of the old one anymore so the tax office there told me to go to the new ward's tax office. I did that, corrected my tax declaration, and got a refund for overpaying!

Now, I received this week a resident tax bill from my old ward, based on the initial wrong declaration amount. How can I fix this? Should I go back to the old ward tax office or to the city office?

Also, I've been billed for National Health Insurance (NHI) at about 7,000 yen per month. Since I have no income to declare in Japan anymore, I'm not sure if this is the minimum payment or if it includes the incorrect declaration as well… Could someone with some experience tell me if it's a normal minimal amount?

Lastly, I'm leaving Japan by the end of August. Can I stop paying NHI from then on, or should I settle it at the city office? I know I'll have to pay resident tax in advance for 2024 when I leave as well.

Thank you for any help!

by sushis_

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