safe to eat?

Hi, I bought this in the sashimi aisle of Hmart, but I’m still not sure if it’s safe to eat? It even has sauce packets.

by borborealis

  1. Since you got it from an Asian market, I would trust it. Raw fish is not meant to be in the fridge for more than a day. If you don’t plan to eat it all in one day, please freeze the rest

  2. Yes there’s a reason why soy sauce and wasabi are in the packet with it
    That’s normally the sign it’s safe

  3. I don’t understand why you’re asking this. It’s literally from Hmart with a sell by date 2 days from now?…

    edit: and you noted that it was from the sashimi section and comes with sauce packets.

  4. It should be safe.

    Your H mart seems to get better fish. My H mart salmon doesn’t have that nice orange color like yours does. I don’t like my H mart’s sushi anymore. I’ve seen how the people at my H mart prepare sushi and they do the packaging in the same area as the live fish and cleaning displays.

  5. Farmed salmon is generally parasite free even if it didn’t go through the proper freezing process

  6. Why would you spend 10$ on something if you were unsure about eating it? Y’all play too much.

  7. Can I just ask you why you bought it if you’re not sure if it’s safe to eat? It’s a genuine question and there is no malice behind it.

  8. Why wouldn’t it be safe? If their customers were constantly getting sick, they’d be sued.

  9. I’m still trying to figure out why you need to come on social media and ask somebody if something is safe to eat when they have no way of testing it or knowing….

  10. Yes, no problem if not expired! That said, farm-raised salmon (as you can tell from the price, quality, and thick white fatty parts) are not the most healthful of fish, so I’d do this once and a while. It’s weird that they call it a noodle!!

  11. Grocery store sushi? Are you familiar with the term Russian roulette? Lol

  12. Why tf you buy it from the store then come and ask once purchased.. also, it’s from h-mart.. another thing as well.. it has a date of when it was made and best to consume by…

  13. I’d say no. How many people have picked that up saying hmmm do I want this? Hmmm then carry it around getting other stuff and put it back.

  14. It depends on your feelings about Salmon. I used to only not eat farmed salmon due to carcinogens. Now days is saying wild caught carcinogens in salmon are worse than farmed. So for me, all salmon is out.

  15. Well if you’re really that unsure I suggest you go back to the shop, buy 30-50kilos of smoked, sliced salmon and deliver it to my address. I’ll dispose of it for ya.

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