What is the purpose of と here

If しっかり is an adverb, why don't we use に instead?

by tumtumtree7

  1. I just want to let you know that chatgpt can answer this kind of question

  2. What unit are you in? I only use Duo for reinforcement/get excited about actually studying lol, so it’s not a huge deal– but I’m so frustrated that very simple kanji for words that are used all the time haven’t been introduced yet and I’m still reading hiragana months and months into it! After answering, idk, 100+ exercises with ください, not one time have they shown it with kanji– ughhhh lol. Same with まいにち, しゅうまつ, おんがく, etc. etc. Anyway, I’d love to see an exercise like this and hope they are coming up soon!

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