Addressing the Vacant House Problem: Renovation of a 75-Year-Old Vacant House in Central Sendai

In the heart of Sendai City, a remarkable transformation has taken place. A 75-year-old vacant house located along Bansui Street in Aoba Ward has been renovated, breathing new life into the area. The renovated building, now known as "【空】‐sora‐(そら)晩翠通" (Sora Bansui Street), is set to become a dynamic hub for various dining establishments.

The Birth of Sora Bansui Street

Addressing the Vacant House Problem

The two-story wooden house, which had been vacant for the past four years, presented both a challenge and an opportunity. To tackle the issue of vacant houses while supporting new ventures in the food and beverage industry, a construction company from Ishinomaki City took on the task of renovating the building's first floor into a versatile commercial space.

Concept and Vision

Shoutarou Yamamoto, the executive director of Marumoto Corporation, the company behind the renovation, shared his vision: "We aim to host various dining establishments, allowing each one to address their unique challenges and grow." This innovative concept is designed to not only revitalize the space but also to foster a supportive environment for budding restaurateurs.

Ichifuku will be operating at this location from the 3rd until August 31st, after which the second tenant will take over in September. This rotating system ensures a fresh and diverse culinary experience for visitors while providing a platform for various dining concepts to be tested and refined.

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by fujiwara___

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