Fraud/ scam line message?

So I got a line message from someone that isn't on my friend's list as follows:
友達リストであなたを見つけました。 どこかでお会いしたことはありますか?😀🙆‍♀️

I responded: すいません、わかりません。

They replied: 友達リストで見かけたので聞いてみました。
あんなの出身地は京都です。 🕍

First of all, I checked their profile and it says they added me by phone number, not some BS about being on their friend's list.
I'm suspecting this is some kind of data mining bot. My phone number is out there somewhere thanks to all these point cards and store memberships I've signed up for and now they're after my private details such as hometown and who knows what other follow up questions they've got, maybe age or school I went to? Seemingly innocent questions but I'm cautious about answering anything.
Japanese people kind of irritate me with their line profiles, can't tell who anyone is… Everyone always has a picture of their cat or a Gundam or something or the back of their head like in this case…

by JP-Gambit

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