17 Day Trip, how much clothes to pack?

Travelling next month and wondering if I am under packing in terms of clothing. The goal is to pack just enough as to where I do not feel like I am hauling my entire closet, and give me enough space to shop (which I plan on doing a lot of).

In terms of the actual number of items I plan on bringing,

  • 5 tops (mix of t-shirts/button up shirts)
  • 2 shorts (heard that shorts aren't as common, is this true?)
  • 2 pants
  • 10 underwear
  • 10 socks
  • 1 pair of shoes (new balance)

Is this a sufficient amount of clothing? Hoping to find some cool clothes, but if worse comes to worse, I could always just go to Uniqlo once I'm there as I could just pick up more shirts that I would also wear once I return from my trip. My hotel also has a washing machine, which I plan on utilizing for underwear/socks.

Also, unrelated to the main topic of this post, anyone have any experience running/doing marathon training in Japan? I know there is a huge running culture and was wondering if anyone had any recommended running routes/tips to stay cool. Also just general experience/if you were even able to find the time to train while travelling. I think I could get away with 2 shirts, a pair of shoes, and a pair of shorts in terms of gear, but unsure if it's even worth hauling.

by ina_waka

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