Culture for home made cheese?

Does anybody know where I could find culture for making cheese? Like mesophilic cheese culture? Asides from ordering from abroad. Rennet I can get, I can make my own ricotta, sure, but cheese culture, can’t seem to find it anywhere, in stores or online. I see some for making yogurt often; Nissin, Seijo-Ishi, so any help from the community would be most welcome 🙏.
Oh! I live in Tokyo for on site stores, but posting on r/Japan as I assume I can have it mail from any prefecture, if I can find a place that sells it.

by biscuitsAuBabeurre

  1. …. It totally depends on what kinda of cheese you are talking about here bruv…

    Some types of cultures are not sold at all – because they are seen as “Trade mark” level, other types require a specific bacteria to cultivate, hence would be very hard to simply buy.

    … Long story short – what kind of cheese do you want to make???

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