10,000 foreign children in Japan may be absent from school: survery

10,000 foreign children in Japan may be absent from school: survery


  1. Sadly, there is no truancy enforcement in Japan.


    The part of this “news report” I find weird is they claim that 7% of foreign children have attendance issues but nationally the number for citizens is around 15%.


    Duck me, this is the English department of a Japanese newspaper posting clickbait…..

  2. What about all the elementary kids that simply don’t want to go to school, either due to shyness, boredom, or behavioral problems? I saw them mollycoddled to the point of infantilizing them when I work at a board of education here. Most of them were just little shits who didn’t want to go school so they got to come once a week to a room with stuffed animals in the city office while a bored “social worker” sat nearby quietly. The rest of the week was sitting at home playing Wii and watching anime. There were dozens of these kids visiting daily, and our city was pretty small.

    Raising a new generation of hikkikomoris with this sort of treatment.

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