Shock humor in Japanese TV

I am far from a pearl clutcher (and prefer dark humour), but a joke by a host in Terrace House Opening New Doors caught me off guard.

The following lines are said by Japanese comedian 徳井, when the panel of hosts are discussing the antics of the house guests. Apart from YOU and 馬場園 (see transcript) most of the room are laughing hysterically during his comments. Am I missing some cultural context, or is Japanese TV quite unhinged? This is a family-friendly show and it appears he's brazenly joking that an older guy in the house should rape the younger female house-members, on a Real World-type set. Curious if anyone here has further insight!


(徳井)中村さん 性欲を むき出しにせえへんかな? 急に


(徳井)31の脂の乗りきった性欲を―… むき出しにするっていう

(馬場園)イヤや (YOU)ヤダ

(徳井)誰か女子をガラスにバーン! たたきつけて強引に奪うみたいな

(馬場園)うわ うわ…

(YOU・トリンドル)ヤダー! (馬場園)イヤやな いきなり

by Smooth-Ask4844

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