One week in Hokkaido: early August

Our draft schedule for a week in Hokkaido. We are a family with a 9 year old daughter. Any feedback is appreciated.

Day 1 (02/08) Friday: 

  • Arrive at Chitose late afternoon. Stay at hotel near airport.

Day 2 (03/08) Saturday: 

  • Pick up rental car at CTS.
  • Explore Furano / Biei. 
  • Drive to Asahidake (45min from Biei) Hostel near Ropeway. Buy food on the way.

Day 3 (04/08) Sunday:  

  • Asahidake Ropeway in morning
  • optional: Hokuryu Sunflower Village in afternoon (2hrs drive) 
  • drive to Tomakomai (3.5hrs from Asahidake) dinner with relatives, visit Tomakomai Harbor Festival

Day 4 (05/08) Monday:

  • Noboribetsu hell valley 
  • Optional: Kayaking at Lake Kuttara 
  • Stay in Noboribetsu Onsen Ryokan 

Day 5 (06/08) Tuesday: 

  • Upopoy Ainu Museum (closed on Mondays)
  • optional: Date Jidaimura Ninja theme park
  • stay in Lake Toya Ryokan

Day 6 (07/08) Wednesday: 

  • Explore Lake Toya 
  • Usuzan ropeway 
  • Return car at CTS  – train to Sapporo 

Day 7 (08/08) Thursday: 

  • Sapporo

Day 8 (09/08) Friday: 

  • Sapporo 

Day 9 (10/08) Saturday:

  • fly out from CTS

Really want to go to Cape Kamui and do the blue cave tour from Otaru, but didn’t want to stuff our schedule too much.


  • Do we need hiking shoes for Mount Asahidake? We are only doing a short hike near the ropeway since we have a 9 year old.
  • How is Date Jidaimura theme park? I speak Japanese, my wife and kid don't.
  • Any other must see or do along the way?

by twilightninja

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