What surprising things have you experienced or seen this season?

Today in Kyushu, we’re experiencing approximately 95% humidity and 32°C, with overcast skies and intermittent showers.

While driving home late this morning I noticed two touring cyclists, heavily laden with front and rear panniers pedaling towards me. I slowed down for a closer look and saw a man and a woman, possibly in their 30s or 40s, struggling in the oppressive heat. I felt terrible for them and wondered if they were first-time travelers to Japan or perhaps misinformed about the conditions.

In late winter and spring, it's common to see many touring cyclists on the road, often doing round trips of Kyushu. However, I can't recall ever seeing cyclists touring in this season or this kind of heat.

Local cycling clubs are scattered throughout Kyushu and tend to ride year-round, but they aren’t heavily laden with touring gear. Also some of them ride through the night. Their traveling speed is faster, which might help them stay somewhat cooler.

by Happy-cut

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