From engineer working visa to HSP1

I am slightly confused as to what docs do I have to submit to change from working visa (就労ビザ、技術 人文知識 国際業務) to HSP1 (高度専門職1号).
HR and the Immigration Office (phone, website) aren’t very helpful, unfortunately, and I am getting mixed information.
Wondering if anyone here managed to get this application through, and if they could share their insights.

So far, if I understood correctly, one needs the following:
– Certificate of Employment
– Change of residence application form
– photo
– passport or 在留カード
– Point calculation form
– Various certificates to prove that one has enough points, e.g. uni degree, resume, JLPT cert, income certificate

Thanks in advance!

  1. Why are you changing? The only reason to change is if you’re going to be bringing over family or domestic help to help with your children. Other than that the HSFP visa is actually worse for you because it’s tied to your employer so if you change jobs you have to requalify.

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