ALTIA’s AI “school lunch” advertisement…

ALTIA’s AI “school lunch” advertisement…

by Kylemaxx

  1. I’m not even against ai art, but at least put a bit of effort into doing it properly and check it for milk clipping!

  2. Worked for Altia for 6 years. never saw a lunch like that ever. Q-shock was not anywhere near that gorgeous. Nor was it served on such nice tableware.

  3. This image is the gift that keeps on giving. Every time I look at it I find a new thing that hurts my brain.

  4. Why even use that? It’s not like they probably don’t have tons of images of school lunches on hand.

  5. I’m guessing they did this cause no public school lunch has that many fucking sides. Seriously, an ENTIRE fish and not just half a dried-out filet served with 100 ml of soup and two carrot slices?

  6. Not enough carbs. Needs a bunch of potatoes to go with that rice. Or a giant price a bread.

  7. Ah yes. The chopspork. Possibly the greatest form of cutlery ever invented.

    And when will people learn that, even putting aside clipping, the M.C. Escher food tray that disappears into itself (compare top-right and bottom-left), the fish that is clearly made of wax, and milk in a *fucking glass*; anytime AI ever attempts text, it completely shits itself.

    You would think at least one person in this process would be curious enough to take 3 seconds of their day to actually try reading it, but no.

  8. Nutritious? What are they talking about? The school lunches are always carbs on carbs. Just a few days ago it was roll bread and yakiudon with a bland soup. 
    I wish they had more meat and vegetables. I wonder if it’s because of the economy?

  9. Lol. Maybe they forgot to type in “slimy potato, ham residue with raw onion, dry white sliced bread and trace of miso water with more potato soup, with warm milk on worn out aluminum tray”

  10. I always enjoyed watching the “Kyushoku Gaman Taikai” that happened in the staff room.

    For some unknown reason, the ladies assigned lunch duty would ALWAYS dish up the lunch about 45 minutes before morning classes ended. Then put it on everyones’ desk. So the rice could get cold, the soup could congeal, the whole milk could warm up to room temperature…. why the FUCK do they do this?!?

    But then the Taikai begins. Even after the bell sounds and all the teachers are back in the staff room, nobody eats. We have to wait for Kocho-sensei to officially say “Eat a dirty snatch” so we can all dive in. Yet, even with his food sitting on his desk, he still continues to witter away at various papers, hanko documents, etc. Finally, he will ‘notice’ that his lunch has been sitting there the whole time, but he was “just so busy” that he didn’t notice it. That usually was another 10-15 minutes, so the waiting time was up to one hour. Nothing like room temperature milk and cold rice…yum yum yum.

  11. I bet on the comments there are people saying “Japan is the best!, Love Japan, ” 😂😂😂

  12. Why not just show the real thing? It’ll look better than whatever this plastic AI meal is…

  13. They have plenty of stock images anyway. Why use AI? It already breaches a ton of copyright.

  14. Absolutely gonna bring this up in the next company meeting to make fun of it, this is wild. Haha
    What site was this even grabbed from? LinkedIn?

    Edit: Looks like they deleted it. Haha

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