Is there something weird going on with the housing market (specifically long term renting)?

While walking around I saw some billboards with rent listings and they are insanely cheap. Like from 30k to 80k. I understand that location plays a big role and I have no clue where the good areas are but online I find similar prices for renting. Is there something I am missing? Are people just desperate to get vacancies filled? Are these really shit houses? Are there other costs I am not aware of?

by Freckledd7

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こんにちは。 私の名前はリッキー・イングラオです。日本語を勉強しています(7月にN3試験を受けます)。ファーストスタディアカデミーで学び、大阪で1年間過ごす予定です。 この部屋は空いていますか? Hello. My name is Ricky and I am Austrian, I come from Spain to study in Japan and I am looking for a place to stay. I am a responsible, educated, clean and respectful man. Someone can help me?

こんにちは。 私の名前はリッキー・イングラオです。日本語を勉強しています(7月にN3試験を受けます)。ファーストスタディアカデミーで学び、大阪で1年間過ごす予定です。 この部屋は空いていますか? Hello. My name is Ricky and I am Austrian, I come from Spain to study…