Tokyo Rough Plan Proposal – Dec 2024 / Jan 2025

Hi all,

Looking at hitting Japan for the third time, this is a little trip where me and my friend just want to explore and soak in the vibe. We've done a lot of Tokyo, so some of the major tourist spots we're just passing through or revisiting stores we liked. We know it'll be cold, busy and we may face closures – but if you have any ideas on anything we're majorly missing in our chosen areas, or anything that may have slipped my mind, please let me know!

I've done a BIT of digging for historical opening dates, so we should be okay in that regard. Some days are empty/sparse because we're keeping it chill, and some areas may be random as it's just to hit a specific photo spot, or a shop.

We land on 27th Dec, and leave on 11th Jan. Staying in Asakusa.

28th – Asakusa / Kappabashi Street
29th – Yokohama(? or on 4th)
30th – Ginza / Tokyo Station
31st –
1st – Skytree
2nd – Shinjuku / Shin Okubo (some stores here we wanted to revisit)
3rd – Kichijoji / Nakano
4th – Shinagawa (Oi Racecourse) / Yokohama (?)
5th – Ikebukuro
6th – Machida (Snoopy Museum)
7th – Tokyo Disney
8th – Harajuku / Shibuya
9th – Shimokitazawa / Setagaya
10th – (Head to Airport Hotel in Afternoon)
11th – Fly Home

Thanks guys! 🙂

by beeongguk

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