Best Japanese coverage of the Paris Olympics?

Thought it might be fun to try watch as much of this with Japanese commentary as possible – I can't find a live feed though. I know most of it won't be on at Japan-friendly times but some of it in France's morning will.

I've tried searching "オリンピック ライブ" and looking on NHK, can't find a live feed though – found one on YouTube with a Japanese title but the commentary is still in English!

Failing a live feed, anyone suggest a good news channel for summaries?

by Slight_Sugar_3363

  1. In this case, googling “パリオンリピック 生放送” gets what you’re looking after. NHK/TVer is what you want to check out but this might be region blocked content.

    ライブ is more used for concerts or shows, not so much for live feeds of sports events.

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