How is job hunting outside of teaching in Osaka?

Hi all, I lived in Osaka for 3.5 years and moved back to the states for personal reasons in 2018. I'm ready to move back to Japan now though and Osaka is where I think I'll be headed in the next couple months. I will be going back via Nova, which honestly, was something I tried to avoid as much as possible, but I find it near impossible to find jobs outside of teaching willing to sponsor foreigners from overseas and not having a tech background isn't doing me any favors.

So Nova it is for a time. With N2 certification I've seen jobs I feel like I could reasonably do/get that require you to already have a visa. Was just curious if anyone else made the switch from eikaiwa to something else outside of teaching? I imagine I'll be working at eikaiwa for a while before making a switch, though I intend to start looking at prospects as soon as possible.

Side note: I realize Tokyo is probably my best bet for finding jobs outside of teaching, but honestly, I fell in love with Osaka last time. I'm willing to put up with eikaiwa work for a while as I get my bearings and figure things out.

Just wondered if anyone else tried something similar to what I intend to do and how it actually turned out.

by ComfortableWage

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