Trip in September – Feedback and advice apreciated

I will be 3 weeks in Okinawa this September – for the first time. As everyone I obviously wonder which island and so on, but my current state of mind is 3 weeks main island, maybe going to Ie or Aka for a few days.

A little background:
I am a solo traveller (40m) from Europe
I have lived in Tokyo for 5 years from 2004-2009 and do speak decent Japanese
I am aware of the Tsunami season, but three weeks will probably have a little of everything
I would mostly go for the culture, some beaches and a bit of diving – fishing offshore would be cool too

I want to settle in a guest house catering to mainly Japanese tourists to get to speak again.
This is my favourite so far:

Is this maybe too north for most of the must see places? Maybe add some days Naha?
And my idea was to rent a small car or big scooter (I had one in Tokyo) for two weeks and found this:

I would be really glad if you could provide feedback and whether getting a scooter is realistic for tourist from overseas (I do have a motorbike license)

Any good guest houses or island advices are more than welcome too


by nemmer475

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