Why have I found ko being written two different ways for hiragana?

I’ve seen ko written as both こ and also with the line on top being just straight? Why is that? Two different charts show it the other way then a language learning app I’m using has it formatted as it is above. Why is that?

  1. Japanese has different fonts just like English or any other language does.

    Type the English alphabet in Comic Sans, then switch to Times New Roman, and watch the letters change. The lower case ‘a’ in particular is completely different in different fonts.

  2. It’s the serifs from the brush strokes. り、さ、and い often have similar variance between font styles.

  3. Kyokashotai(教科書体) is the orthodox typeface for handwriting. However, it is too modest and those who want to emphasise information use other typeface.

  4. just a font difference. after all why does “a” have the extra nubbin on top in some fonts and not in others? why does a “g” have a disconnected bit on the bottom in some and a complete loop in others? some fonts emulate the brush stroke way of drawing the fonts, and some less so.

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