Could anyone proofread the introduction message I am sending to my host family?

Hello everyone!
In about two weeks I’m leaving for Japan to learn the language. For my first month there, I will be living with a host family and I wanted to send them a quick introduction message in Japanese.
However my Japanese is pretty bad, I only know basic sentences and few kanjis, so I would be very grateful if anyone could proofread this.

フランス人です。私の かぞくわ5人です、母と父と2人兄弟です。2びきの猫をかっています。

In case some things I’m writing aren’t clear, here’s a simple translation I’m also going to send as my host family knows basic English.

Hello and nice to meet you!
How are you?
I am Claire, your homestay’s guest. I’m really excited about meeting you.
I’m French. I have a family of 5 people: my parents and two older brothers. I also have two cats. I like movies, sports, travelling and cooking.
I’m coming to Japan to study Japanese. I can’t wait to discover your culture!
I’m looking forward to getting to know you more!
Have a good day,

Also quick question, considering I am writing to a couple, should I adress them as [their family name]さん? I want to stay polite but I also want to make this letter a bit more personal as it already looks like I’m some sort of robot haha.

Thanks in advance for the help!

1 comment
  1. >私わクレールです

    You need to use は and not わ for particles.

    Also, クレール will come off more like “Crell.” You want クレア as in クレア・レッドフィールド (just for reference to someone Japanese people might know lol).


    The grammar should be あう**ことを**こころまちにし**てい**ます。

    >フランス人です。私の かぞくわ5人です、母と父と2人兄弟です。

    Replace all occurrences of “です、” with “です。” It should also be 二人**の**兄弟.


    Add こと as in “スポーツすることと、りょうりすることが好きです。”

    I tried to not change your word choices to keep as much of your original work intact.

    Good luck in Japan. がんばってね!!

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