Is Teaching in Japan at 2024 financially viable?

I have been thinking about this the past two years now. With the Japanese economy just continuing to tank and the currency getting weaker by the month.

Just looking at some of the salaries out there in the market right now in Japan and converting it to USD and it just feels like Im working a minimum wage job.

Its kinda depressing the more I think about it.

If you come here at this time, you'll come here very rich and get yourself set up very nicely. But as soon as you spend a year or even two….all the money you saved up pretty much is screwed due to the yen being weak. If you save up 250,000 yen it only gets you 1500 USD and thats without the conversion fee, service fee, etc etc

And just the thought of losing a big chunk of that money just feels so depressing.

by MrJackSensei

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