How to improve 聴解 or “listening”?

I recently did a Noken N3 exam on my own. Still not there, got 17 out of 35 correct answer on vocabulary. 20 out of 39 in the reading and grammar part. This is no problem, i simply need to study more

But how the f*** i get only 4 correct answers out of 28 in the listening part???

Im a little bit desperate about listening. I feel really stupid cuz i can even understand many words and grammars, but its like they instantly vanish in my head.

Im watching animes in japanese (death note, im stopping and noting every word and listening every sentence 10 times) i listen to the minna no nihongo 会話 and re-listen multiple times, and note words down. I also meet with japanese people from time to time… Also i am listening to music, noting every word of the lyrics… Listening many times…

But i still feel so stupid about it, i can never understand nothing that i listen to.

Is there any methods you recommend to improve it further? Any YouTube video list focused on listening? Any miracle that you guys discovered and saved your life in this sense?

But i really feel stupid because sometimes i even have problems listening to my own mother language, it's so weird to be honest, because then i can put any music and decipher the notes of each instrument and those kinda stuff…

by meowwowcatdog

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