suitable present/omiage for japanese friend?

Hey guys!

as the title suggests i'll be in japan coming september and will spend a couple of days in Ise, where my language exchange partner lives. as a thanks for playing tour guide for me and because it'll be his birthday the week after, I want to gift him a little something.

I'm from germany and feel like most things you can get here, you can get in japan, too – in better quality even.
as for food, i dont wanna bring chocolates and the like, cause if temperatures are anything like last year, that stuff will melt in my suitcase and will resemble a big blob of goo by the time i get to Ise.
does anyone else have any other ideas for suitable presents? :/ (all in all hes pretty easy-going, loves most foods, anime/manga, photography etc but he definitely would not use a bottle of 'kölnisch wasser' i.e cologne 4711, which is one of the things my city is known for. )


by Minoko

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