Sorting Cards by Frequency (Anki Add-on)

Hello fellow community members,

I am a hobby programmer and enjoy creating small scripts or programs to solve niche problems of mine. I saw a post the other day about called “[How/When Do I Begin Immersion?](”.

Therein the reddit user u/ReaperOverload recommend a lot of ways one could start immersing. One of the tips they mentioned in their post was sorting Anki cards by frequency via this method [here]( . To be honest, I liked the premise of this method, but this seemed to be extremely cumbersome, especially for cards that you would have to backfill.

# Bulk Generate Japanese Vocabulary Frequency (Original Add-on)

I went searching for an Anki add-on and found an old Anki add-on [Bulk-Generate Japanese Vocab Frequency Ranking]( Unfortunately, the person is not exactly a programmer (their words, not mine), and the software has basically become abandonware at this point and no longer works properly. I inspected the code, and with the help of the other commentors, noticed that there were only a few basic tweaks that needed to be implemented to make it work.

# Japanese Vocabulary Frequency – (Improved Add-on)

I created a new version [Japanese Vocab Frequency]( of this add-on that works with 2.48+. Since this is a port and bug-fix, the add on works essentially the same as the broken one. The add-on basically inserts the frequency of a Japanese word to a given Anki field. The add-on uses the Rikaisama (202k words) as reference. As their is no calculation going on in the background, it is a simple look up and then match, the add-on can quickly add on cards. If you are unhappy with the database, you can point it a custom one you trained or found provided that it has the same structure as the one provided.

# Report Errors

I am somewhat nervous here as I don’t usually post code. So, please be kind to me as I am simply a hobby programmer. However, If you found this add-on at all helpful, I would appreciate any feedback or constructive criticism.Please report any errors to the Github repo.




As per rule 9, I informed the mods of this post beforehand.

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