Earthquake announced the “Nankai Trough Earthquake Temporary Information” regarding the M7.1 earthquake that occurred in the Hyuga-nada Sea around 4:43 p.m.

Earthquake announced the “Nankai Trough Earthquake Temporary Information” regarding the M7.1 earthquake that occurred in the Hyuga-nada Sea around 4:43 p.m.


  1. The agreement was that if an earthquake of magnitude 6.8 or greater occurred within the assumed epicenter area of ​​the Nankai Trough, an investigation would be initiated to determine whether there was a risk of further large-scale earthquakes. The current status of Nankai Trough temporary information is “under investigation”. This earthquake was the first to reach that standard, so it was the first time that extraordinary information had been announced. The evaluation review meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m., and one of the three pieces of information will be announced in about two hours at the earliest. We will wait for announcements such as “huge earthquake warning” and “huge earthquake caution,” which are announced when the risk of a huge earthquake is imminent, and for cases where it is determined that the above criteria of “survey completion” are not met.

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    After a review meeting, the Nankai Trough temporary information announced a “huge earthquake caution.” The Japan Meteorological Agency determined that there was a higher possibility of a huge earthquake occurring than usual. Citizens living in the expected epicenter area will need to be prepared to evacuate immediately for around a week.

  3. Even if you aren’t completely convinced the big one is going to hit, *don’t take chances*. Experts are scrambling to figure out if this is a real precursor event for a reason.

    Go and stock up *now*. Get essentials, get battery packs, fill up your gasoline tanks. It’s better to have egg on your face about freaking out over nothing than it is to suffer a giant earthquake and be woefully under prepared.

  4. Sorry I am a foreigner, is mie a safe place to be for the next week, or should one go somewhere else? Is there safer places in japan during this time? Any advice helps, thank you!

  5. I m in osaka.. what can i do ? Should i go away and if yes where? Thanks a lot praying for everyone

  6. I know everyone’s talking about the earthquake and everything but I just had the strangest experience today. And maybe it might help you avoid being hurt in an earthquake or a tsunami or flooding. Well, I was driving home I stopped at the convenience store here in Gunma And it was already raining, well it was raining lightly when I pulled into the convenience store parking lot I saw a green grasshopper jump on top of my car and I didn’t think much about it until I started walking to the entrance of the convenient store and I noticed many green grasshoppers were clinging to the glass windows of the convenience store. I thought it was disgusting so I told the clerk at the store and they were just as surprised as I was to see all of them clinging to the glass. As I returned to my car I noticed the grasshopper was still on top of my car so I was driving home and then the thundering started and then a huge downpour, and when I mean huge downpour I’m talking about a downpour that can flood the street within seconds and that’s what it hit me these grasshoppers knew it was going to flood and so I did my research and I noticed insects like the grasshopper can notice atmospheric pressure change which has to do with the weather… So long story short, pay attention to animals or insects because maybe there might be a sign from them that might save your life.

  7. Sorry for being ignorant but how would this affect Nagoya if it does happen?

  8. Hello im a tourist and I’m in Tokyo right now with plans to visit Mount Fuji and Osaka this week, should I cancel these plans ?

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