Questions re inheritance tax

I have searched the sub and found some helpful information, but all of it for situations different from mine (seems as if most are to do with inheriting real estate?)

I am a U.S. citizen with over 20 years in Japan. My father passed away in February of this year (2024). I have inherited a couple of investment accounts, which are being divided among my Dad's six kids (including me). I'm the only one who's in Japan.

From what I've read, it seems that inheritance tax is calculated based on the total value of the estate, and the statutory heirs. Do I need to document the whole value of the estate and what all Dad's other heirs received? Or does Japan only consider the amount that's potentially taxable here, i.e. my portion (since the other heirs are not in Japan, and have not ever lived here).

Do I need to get a tax accountant or some sort of finance advisor to help me figure this out? Or does the Tax Office do consultations or similar? My Japanese is good enough, it doesn't need to be in English.
Thank you for any insights.

by Excellent-Snow-1112

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