Offered 15mn for a role in tech firm (non-swe) – How comfortabel can I live, and can i negotiate for more?

Hi folks, sorry if this question has been answered to death.

I come from a consulting background where I am already earning the equivalent of 19mn JPY annually total Comp (I come from Southeast Asia). I feel this current firm is lowballing me, but want to test what are possible levers and negotiating options i may have to bring it up to 20+ mn. On the basis of the weakened yen, plus my own expectations that i shouldnt be taking a pay cut.

Is it normal for people to take a pay cut when moving to Japan? and If so, what sort of lifestyle can 15mn afford me? I am living very very comfortably where I am at the moment – e.g., I eat out all the time, large home, save 50% of my post tax salary

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