Table table pizza ovens – BBQs?

I am wanting to get a tabletop Wooden pellet fuelled Pizza Oven. Like the Ooni Fyra.

Does anyone know whether I’d be okay using this in my apartment garden (it’s a private garden. But there are neighbours close by) or if these would be classed as a BBQ?

Update: in case this helps others too: I completely miss understood private vs common areas and was under the assumption that the garden that came with the apartment for our sole use was private when it could be common space. (Thanks to r/CauliflowerDaffodil for that)

Edit: my query is more.

The ones I have seen I would class as contained and not an open flame. (Like a BBQ would be) and they use pellets so the ones I have seen were almost smokeless.

Has anyone had any experience using them that knows whether they’d be ok to use or whether they would cause a disturbance like a full fledged BBQ.

Update: (Chuckles) love you folks at Japanlife and TokyoLife that downvote and move on without assisting folks with their genuine questions. If you are going to waste the energy to do that you might as well contribute something useful.

Big Thanks to those that have actually tried to help me make an informed decision.

by AbareSaruMk2

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