Help..What are the chances of getting my wallet back in Tokyo Japan

What are the chances of getting my wallet back in Tokyo Japan

Hi guys, so last night after whole day out to Disneyland, I jumped on the JR Keiyo Line to Tokyo station. I was so thirsty while waiting for the train at Maihama station so grab my purse bought me a drink from the vending machine then hop on the train. So having full hands of the bottle, wallet and phone, stupid me somehow maybe left my wallet on the seat. Then when I hop out of the train at Hatchōbori station (1 stop before Tokyo station, I think the train terminate at Tokyo station for awhile then run back on the same loop, not sure though) within 2 minutes I realised I left my wallet on the train but the train was gone by that time. So I ran to the station staff upstairs to inform him with so much language barrier. He told me the same train will come back again in 10 mins go hop on the train and look for it. I was so panicked don’t know what to do. When the train came back was packed of people I couldn’t find it. Went back to the staff then he just give me a number to call for lost and found.

So today, I went to Tokyo station lost and found counter to ask for it by giving the limited details of the train I took from maihama station to Hatchobori station and the timing of the train. That’s all I can remember, I don’t know the train number. Gave him details of my wallet and he said nothing was returned yet. Try again tomorrow. After that, I went to Tokyo station Koban to report, the officers were kind enough to help me with the report. They said they will contact my hotel if they could locate it.

So for now I just hoping and praying that somehow some kind souls found it and return it back either to train station or police station. Nothing much in the wallet, it wasn’t a branded one but have all my bank cards and overseas ID, driving licence. Have only $100 in there, I don’t mind if lost the money but all the cards are valuable to me since I’m going to another country from here. What should I do ? I’m leaving Japan in 4 days, is it enough time for miracles to happen ? I’ve froze all my bank cards not canceling them yet in case the odds are it’s coming back to me ( still hoping) please Japan please do your Wonder and surprise me!

by Icy-Cicada-552

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