I’m doing study a study on the cultural significance of commercials in different countries and Japan is one of the countries I’m examining.
In my early days in studying Japanese, I’d religiously watch [**JPCMDHD**](https://www.youtube.com/c/JPCMHD) but this channel has been inactive for years.
You all know of anything remotely similar to this? The closest I’ve found is an eerily similar channel—[**Japanese commercials HD ツ**](https://www.youtube.com/c/JapanesecommercialsHD%E3%83%84).
1 comment
ツ means 2 in this context, so it’s probably the same person and I’ve not seen anything in a more easily digestible format.
I guess you could look at cmdb.jp and their associated YouTube channel https://youtube.com/channel/UCG7bNVjVwndAuhklQ-twtsA