Approved Yunyu Kakunin-sho but I still have questions.


I've recently received the approval for my Yunyu Kakunin-sho. There's a part which I'm a bit confused by after running the document through an English translation.

There's a ✓ inside a box next to the line which says,

確 認 事 項 過去二年以内に薬事に関する法令で政令で定めるもの又はこれに基づく処分に違反したことはありま

When I run the above line through Google Translate it comes out with,

Confirmation items: Have you violated any laws and regulations regarding pharmaceutical affairs stipulated by cabinet order or any disposition based thereon within the past two years?

During the application there was a box I ticked which states that I have NOT violated any laws or regulations.

This makes me believe that I somehow ticked yes, saying that I've violated the law when I have not done so? I'm hoping this is just a machine translation error.

Has anyone recently received their Yunyu Kakunin-sho and are able to compare their experiences or are able to provide me with an accurate translation of the message?

Thanks in advance!

by SuitableHearing

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